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Wednesday February 19, 2025 7:00am - 8:30am CST
There will be (2) 45-minute breakfast roundtable discussions on a myriad of member-submitted topics ranging from open discussions, to specific departmental updates, or focused on networking.

Specialty disrespect is “one element of the hidden curriculum, encompassing unwarranted, negative, and denigrating comments made by trainees and physicians about different specialties”(Allston 2019). Though negatively impacting our Departments, few know about it or have taken action to reduce it. We’ll define the issue and its impact, share experiences at our home institutions, and interventions that we tried. We’ll focus the discussion on opportunities for collaboration and next steps that Departments can take individually and together.
avatar for Jeff Weinfeld, MD, MBI

Jeff Weinfeld, MD, MBI

Professor of Family Medicine, MedStar Health/Georgetown University
Wednesday February 19, 2025 7:00am - 8:30am CST
Lyric Ballroom

Attendees (7)

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