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Wednesday February 19, 2025 7:00am - 8:30am CST
There will be (2) 45-minute breakfast roundtable discussions on a myriad of member-submitted topics ranging from open discussions, to specific departmental updates, or focused on networking.

Faculty have experienced significant differences in expectations from their own among contemporary learners regarding orientation to a career as a doctor, balance of the personal and professional, and preferences for learning methods. At a high level this is about the implicit social contract between faculty and learners. At an operational level it has to do with teaching methods suited to adults of generations different than faculty and finding new balances between things like accommodation and performance. Engaging New Learners is a work in progress that entails A) A department statement of philosophy about the social contract between faculty and learners; B) A toolkit of resources for effective pedagogy and faculty development; C) A spread or implementation model for local tailoring and use; D) Faculty development consultation modalities; and E) a tracking and evaluation function.

Daniel Holman, MPH

Department Administrator, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health

Jim Pacala, MD, MS

Chair of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of Minnesota Medical School

C.J. Peek, PhD

Professor, Department of Family Medicine and Community Health, University of MN
Wednesday February 19, 2025 7:00am - 8:30am CST
Lyric Ballroom

Attendees (4)

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