About me
Linda Montgomery has been in academic Family Medicine for over twenty years, was the program director for the University of Colorado Family Medicine Residency for eleven years, and is now the Vice Chair of Education for her Department of Family Medicine at the University of Colorado overseeing all undergraduate and graduate level training. She also recently served as the Chair of the Education Subcommittee for the University of Colorado’s GME Office for five years helping to oversee the educational needs of the 1200 GME learners and faculty development across the University of Colorado School of Medicine. She currently is serving as the leader of the Society of Teachers of Family Medicine’s CBME Task Force. Her professional passion is figuring out models of care and teaching that promote the Quadruple Aim for Family Medicine. She lives in Denver with her husband, three young adult children in various stages of departing the nest, and much-loved mutt with whom she enjoys taking long runs with views of the Rockies.