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Zubair Syed
, February 17
12:00pm CST
LEADS Fellowship Workshop
Edison 2
, February 18
8:00am CST
LEADS Fellowship Workshop
Edison 2
1:00pm CST
Leader Development Preconference - Bridges and Pathways: Navigating Relationships and Career Transitions
Lyric Ballroom A
Alex Verdieck • Myra Muramoto, MD • Gurjeet Shokar, MD • Wanda Cruz-Knight, MD, MBA, CPE, FAAFP
, February 19
7:00am CST
13 - Topical Breakfast Tables: International Medical Graduates and the Family Medicine Workforce – An Opportunity?
Lyric Ballroom
Sarah Creef Baugher • Brian Halstater, MD
17 - Topical Breakfast Tables: Street Medicine
Lyric Ballroom
Taylor Hooks, MBA
8:30am CST
Welcome, President's Speech, and Business Meeting
Lyric Ballroom
Jehni Robinson, MD • Anna Flattau, MD, MSc, MS
9:45am CST
How to respond when departmental programming is challenged by the changing legal landscape
Lyric Ballroom
Anna Flattau, MD, MSc, MS • Heather B. Schickedanz, MD • Cleveland Piggott, MD, MPH • José E. Rodríguez, MD • Elisabeth Wilson, MD, MPH, MS-HPEd
1:00pm CST
Innovation Showcase - A Faculty Onboarding Coaching Program
Edison 1
Dean Seehusen MD, MPH
Innovation Showcase - Faculty Flow Funding
Edison 2
David Rakel MD • Jerome Garrett
1:30pm CST
Innovation Showcase - Systemic Approaches to Dealing with Burnout in a Primary Care Service Line
McGavock Room
Grant Greenberg
2:15pm CST
Government Relations Update
Lyric Ballroom
Nina DeJonghe
2:45pm CST
National Family Medicine Research Strategic Plan: Update, Prioritization and Advocacy
Lyric Ballroom
Irf Asif, MD • Nina DeJonghe • Peter Seidenberg MD, MA, FAAFP, FACSM, RMSK, CPE
, February 20
8:00am CST
Building the Business Case for Family Medicine: Getting Your Point Across
Lyric Ballroom
Lauren S. Hughes, MD, MPH, MSc, MHCDS, FAAFP • Kyle Leggott, MD
9:15am CST
LEADS Ignite Talks Introductions
Lyric Ballroom
9:45am CST
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Building an Urgent Care Center from Scratch: From Ideas to Implementation and onto Evolution
McGavock Room
Danielle Nelson, MD, MPH
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Creating a Value Based Care Toolkit
Edison 1
Sean Haley, MD, MPH
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Creating and Implementing Quality Metrics in a Changing Compensation Plan
Lyric Ballroom
Mark Ryan, MD, FAAFP
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Cultivating a Culture of Stability and Sustainability in a Time of Redesign and Uncertainty
Edison 2
Erin Kavanaugh, MD, FAAFP
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Fostering interdepartmental collaboration to improve comprehensive health care for high-risk pregnancies
Edison 3
Michael Kopec, MD, FAAFP
10:05am CST
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Examining different models for residency programs with multiple clinical sites
Edison 3
Alexis Reedy-Cooper, MD, MPH
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Restoring in-office procedures to family physician scope of practice in the Rush University Medical Group
McGavock Room
Kate Rowland, MD, MS
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Supporting Family Medicine Faculty Onboarding and Identity Development in the First Three Years
Edison 1
Anne Nofziger, MD
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Target School No More De-Orphaning: Lessons Learned
Edison 2
Maria Portela, MD, MPH
10:25am CST
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Enhancing Rural and Unserved Population Opportunities for Students Using Federally Qualified Health Centers and Community Health Center Platforms
Edison 2
Ashley Saucier, MD
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - The Benefits of Enhanced Staffing within the Primary Care Medical Home Model of Care
Edison 3
Bruin Rugge, MD, MPH
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk - Transforming the health system science curriculum at an academic medical center through the lens of primary care
Edison 1
Novneet Sahu, MD, MPA
LEADS Fellowship Ignite Talk- Updating Our Compensation Plans
McGavock Room
Daniel Worcester, MHA
11:00am CST
Updates in the Discipline
Lyric Ballroom
Warren P. Newton, MD, MPH
11:30am CST
The Structure of the Departments and the Role of the Administrator (from their lens!)
Lyric Ballroom
Holly Westog, MEd • Chelsea Worthen, MBA • Stephanie Brown • Amanda Williams, MS, FACHE • Sarah Creef Baugher
12:45pm CST
Chair Skills Lunch & Workshop - Blueprints for Success: Strategic Planning and Culture Building for New Chairs
Edison 3
Richelle Koopman, MD • Peter Catinella, MD, MPH • Roger Zoorob, MD, MPH, FAAFP
5:30pm CST
Celebrating the LEADS Fellowship: Fellows, Alumni, Mentors, & Supporters Reception
Lyric Ballroom Foyer
6:00pm CST
Leadership & Management Dilemmas Dinner
Lyric Ballroom
, February 21
8:30am CST
Harnessing AI in Clinical Practice: Opportunities to Enhance Operations and Patient Care
Lyric Ballroom
Nipa R. Shah, MD FAAFP • Megan Mahoney, MD, MBA • Ian M. Bennett, MD, PhD • Ming Tai-Seale, PhD, MPH
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