Full time primary care is a lot of work. We need to create time and space for creativity and scholarship. Faculty Flow Funding allows faculty to apply for 5-10% FTE to work on their flow. Flow is the complete immersion with energized focus, bringing a sense of enjoyment. The task matches a skill level and encourages growth. This program creates funding to help faculty members work on their flow.
In 2022, through the Davos Alzheimer’s Collaborative we embarked on a combined quality improvement/research project using iterative quality improvement to implement early detection of Mild Cognitive Impairment in 7 primary care clinics within our academic health system. Over the next 12 months, we completed 1,808 screening cognitive assessments out of 17,894 encounters; completed an embedded research trial offering blood-based biomarkers; and developed and implemented a Brain Health Navigator role to assist with reversible cause evaluation and to facilitate transition to specialty care services, community resources, and clinical trials. Two patients identified in the primary care early detection program are currently on Disease Modifying Therapy, and 43 patients were referred to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia research studies. Further innovations are in progress with implementation of passive digital markers and automated subjective cognitive concern assessments.